Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Preview

Amanda Green, SIA

So, what is Amanda Green, SIA, you ask?
Um, well, that's rather a rude question.  Amanda is a who, not a what.  She's a human being after all.  Let's treat her as such, yes?

Oh, I'm sorry.  I thought that was the title of this webcomic?
Yes!  Yes, it is.  I now see where you were going with that.  Your phrasing wasn't very good if I may say so.

Fair enough.  So what's this all about, and why are pretending this is a Q&A when we're the same person?
Ha ha, oh, me.  You are a joker.  Now shut up and let me talk.

Amanda Green, SIA (Superhuman Insurance Agent), is a brand new webcomic written by me, Greg Thelen, and drawn by my good friend Marili Ramirez.  It takes place in the fictional American city of New Romford, which is filled with superheroes, supervillains, and other super-powered humans who are just going about their day.  Now, as you might imagine, there's quite a bit of property damage due to all this superhuman activity what with all the crazy battles going on.  That's where our protagonist, Amanda Green, comes in!  She is a normal human living in this crazy city, picking up the pieces left behind by all those superfolk!

So what does she do exactly?
Mostly, paperwork at her office, but that's boring, so we won't see any of that.  But she has to go out and access the damage left behind from the superbattles and interact with people who must live with this new hole in their house.

Is this a drama or what?
It's mostly a comedy, but I'm sure some dramatic moments will find their way into the comic.

Are you any good at comedy?  I mean, you're the one writing this "interview".
Me, you're not helping.

Fine, what else can we expect from this webcomic?  Are hijinks going to ensue?
Of course!  Where would a webcomic be without the hijinks?  No, but really, there will be hijinks.  I know that doesn't really tell you anything, but trust me, you're in for a pretty fun ride!  Maybe you'll even see dinosaurs!

Do you talk to yourself like this often?  Why should I read a webcomic written by a crazy person?
Well, look, me--this is not helping.  I am not a crazy person--at least no more crazy that anyone else--and I only talk to myself like this when I'm alone.  It's not like I'm talking to myself in the comic.  I...I mean, yes, I'm writing all the dialogue myself, so I guess you could say that I'm talking to myself in the comic, but that's not really what I...


Amanda Green, SIA, the brand new webcomic by Greg Thelen and Marili Ramirez will premiere sometime in May of 2012!  Be sure to check in every so often as I will be updating our progress in a more straightforward manner (I promise).  We're working hard to get ahead, so we can blast off to the stars or something.

Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy our comics!

-Greg (not crazy...really)

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