Thursday, May 10, 2012

Final update before PREMIERE!

Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well!  We're almost set to premiere, AMANDA GREEN, SIA, next Tuesday, May 15, 2012.  Marili and I are pretty damn excited to get this thing going because we got some pretty great comics for you.

First, a bit of bad news:  we're only going to update on Tuesdays instead of Tuesdays and Fridays.  You may have noticed a change in the banner.  Unfortunately, our schedules have conspired against us, so we're going to update once a week.  I know, it's a bummer for everyone involved, but for the time being, it's the way things have to be.  Maybe someday in the future we'll go to twice a week, but for now, once a week.

But that doesn't mean we won't have fun stuff for you to read!  Sometime during the pre-production phase of this comic, I thought it'd be fun to make Twitter accounts for some of our characters.  Amanda has her own (@siaamanda), and so does Carrie Broussard (@carriebrou), a character you don't know yet.  You may notice at the bottom of the page there are a couple of Twitter widgets with their feeds.  I would be delighted if you were to follow them and their day-to-day exploits as there may be some things that overlap between the comic and their Twitter feeds (*wink wink*).

And when I was thinking about these Twitter accounts, I thought it'd be fun to have them post pictures, like most people do.  So you will see that.  And the more I thought about Twitter accounts, I thought, "Well, they would probably link to stories, too, as people do."  So we also started a fictional news site set in this world called the New Romford Free Press!  You see that banner below us?  Click on that, and you will see the NRFP website!....which has no stories posted yet, but there are some "ads" and things.  (Isn't the logo neat and old-timey?)  This sister site of Amanda Green, SIA, will post two stories a week, one on Tuesdays and the other on Fridays.  That way we're still updating on the days we originally planned, even if it isn't what we originally planned.  As for what kind of stories you'll be reading on the NRFP website, well, you're just going to have to wait and see.  Some will be related to what happens in the comic, but most will be their own thing, and we hope you'll enjoy them, too.

So that's it for the updates!  Next week we premiere!  Spread the word, tell your friends.  Heck, tell your enemies!  This comic is going to be fun!  :D


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